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Cataract Surgery

April 30, 2024

Cataracts are an incredibly prevalent eye condition. While you can technically develop cataracts at any age, most develop due to aging.Once you're over 40, your risk of developing cataracts increases significantly. However, turning 40 doesn't mean that you'll instantly have cataracts.Even if you have a cataract, you may not…...

September 1, 2023

Do you suffer from blurry vision? Does it feel like you're looking at the world around you through a foggy or dirty window?These are some of the signs associated with having a cataract. Cataracts are a highly prevalent eye condition.Most people will get cataracts at some point in their life. While cataracts are usually a result of…...

June 22, 2023

Do you have astigmatism? You may wonder if you can treat the refractive error during cataract surgery.Cataract surgery is the only way to treat cataracts. If you have cataracts affecting your quality of life, your cataract surgeon has likely recommended having cataract surgery.But cataract surgery can do much more than restore the vision…...